Agile Methodology Imp 30 Questions and Ans

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Agile Methodology Imp 30 Questions and Ans

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1. What is agile methodology?

Agile methodology is an iterative and incremental approach to project management and software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and delivering value to customers.

2. What are the core principles of agile methodology?

The core principles of agile methodology include customer collaboration, responding to change, delivering working software frequently, and promoting self-organizing and cross-functional teams.

3. What are the benefits of using agile methodology?

Some benefits of using agile methodology include improved adaptability to changing requirements, increased customer satisfaction, faster delivery of working software, and better team collaboration.

4. What are the key roles in agile methodology?

The key roles in agile methodology typically include the product owner, Scrum master, and development team members. Other roles may include stakeholders and subject matter experts.

5. What is the difference between Scrum and agile?

Scrum is a specific framework within the broader agile methodology. Agile is a set of principles and values, while Scrum provides a more structured approach with defined roles, ceremonies, and artifacts.

6. How does agile methodology handle changing requirements?

Agile methodology embraces change by allowing requirements to be refined and reprioritized throughout the project. It promotes regular feedback and collaboration with stakeholders to accommodate changes effectively.

7. What is a user story in agile methodology?

A user story is a simple, concise description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. It captures the “who,” “what,” and “why” of a requirement and serves as a basis for communication and planning.

8. What is a sprint in agile methodology?

A sprint is a time-boxed iteration in agile methodology, usually lasting 1-4 weeks. It involves a set of planned activities, such as development, testing, and review, with the goal of delivering a potentially shippable product increment.

9. How does agile methodology promote collaboration?

Agile methodology promotes collaboration through practices such as daily stand-up meetings, regular communication with stakeholders, and involving customers in the development process. It encourages face-to-face interactions and open communication channels.

10. What is the purpose of a retrospective in agile methodology?

A retrospective is a meeting held at the end of each sprint to reflect on the team’s performance and identify areas for improvement. It helps the team learn from their experiences and make adjustments to enhance productivity and effectiveness.

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11. What are the main agile frameworks?

Some popular agile frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Extreme Programming (XP), and Crystal. Each framework has its own approach and practices, tailored to different project contexts.

12. How does agile methodology handle risk management?

Agile methodology promotes early and continuous risk identification and mitigation. Risks are often addressed through short feedback cycles, regular inspection and adaptation, and the involvement of stakeholders and subject matter experts.

13. What is the definition of “done” in agile methodology?

The definition of “done” in agile methodology refers to the agreed-upon criteria that determine when a user story or a product increment is considered complete and ready for release. It ensures a shared understanding of what constitutes a finished piece of work.

14. How does agile methodology support quality assurance?

Agile methodology emphasizes building quality into the development process. Practices such as test-driven development, continuous integration, and frequent testing contribute to early defect detection and continuous improvement.

15. What is a burndown chart in agile methodology?

A burndown chart is a visual representation of the work remaining in a sprint or project. It shows the progress made over time and helps the team track their velocity and predict if they will complete the work within the desired timeframe.

16. What is the role of the product owner in agile methodology?

The product owner represents the stakeholders and is responsible for prioritizing the product backlog, defining

requirements, and ensuring the development team understands the customer’s needs. They provide direction and make decisions to maximize the value delivered by the team.

17. What are the characteristics of a good agile team?

A good agile team is self-organizing, cross-functional, and collaborative. They have a clear shared vision, effective communication, and a high degree of trust. They embrace continuous learning and take ownership of their work.

18. How does agile methodology handle documentation?

Agile methodology values working software over comprehensive documentation. However, it does recognize the need for some level of documentation and encourages the use of lightweight and just-in-time documentation practices.

19. How does agile methodology handle estimation?

Agile methodology uses relative estimation techniques, such as story points or t-shirt sizing, to estimate the effort required for user stories or tasks. Estimates are based on the team’s collective knowledge and experience and are regularly reviewed and refined.

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20. How does agile methodology handle dependencies between teams?

Agile methodology encourages teams to minimize dependencies by promoting cross-functional teams and emphasizing communication and collaboration. If dependencies do exist, they are made transparent and managed through coordination and negotiation.

21. How does agile methodology address customer feedback?

Agile methodology values customer feedback and incorporates it through regular iterations and feedback cycles. Customers are involved throughout the development process, and their input helps refine requirements and guide the team’s priorities.

22. What is the role of the Scrum master in agile methodology?

The Scrum master is responsible for ensuring the Scrum framework is understood and followed. They facilitate Scrum events, coach the team on agile practices, remove impediments, and promote a productive and collaborative environment.

23. How does agile methodology handle scope creep?

Agile methodology aims to prevent scope creep by embracing change and encouraging close collaboration with stakeholders. Changes are evaluated based on their value and impact, and the team and product owner work together to manage scope effectively.

24. How does agile methodology address technical debt?

Agile methodology recognizes the importance of addressing technical debt to maintain the long-term sustainability of a project. It advocates for continuous refactoring, regular code reviews, and allocating time for addressing technical debt during iterations.

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25. How does agile methodology handle distributed teams?

Agile methodology provides practices and tools to facilitate collaboration in distributed teams. Techniques such as video conferencing, online collaboration tools, and frequent communication help bridge the distance and create a cohesive team environment.

26. What is the difference between velocity and capacity in agile methodology?

Velocity refers to the amount of work a team can complete in a sprint, typically measured in story points or user stories. Capacity, on the other hand, refers to the team’s availability or capacity to take on work in a given sprint.

27. How does agile methodology promote continuous improvement?

Agile methodology encourages continuous improvement through regular retrospectives, where the team reflects on their process and identifies ways to enhance their performance. Feedback loops and metrics also help identify areas for improvement.

28. How does agile methodology handle conflicting priorities?

Agile methodology encourages open communication and collaboration to resolve conflicting priorities. The product owner, in consultation with stakeholders, makes decisions based on the team’s capacity and value delivered to ensure alignment with the project goals.

29. How does agile methodology promote transparency?

Agile methodology promotes transparency by making project information visible and accessible to all stakeholders. This includes sharing progress, plans, risks, and impediments openly and encouraging regular feedback and inspection.

30. What are the key challenges in implementing agile methodology?

Some key challenges in implementing agile methodology include resistance to change, managing distributed teams, adapting to shifting priorities, and ensuring effective communication and collaboration across all stakeholders.

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