Defect/Bug life cycle Imp 20 Questions and Ans

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Defect/Bug life cycle Imp 20 Questions and Ans

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1. What is the defect life cycle?

The defect life cycle refers to the stages through which a defect or bug passes, from its identification to its resolution and closure.

2. What are the different stages in the defect life cycle?

The typical stages in the defect life cycle are: New, Assigned, Open, Fixed, Retest, Verified, and Closed.

3. What happens during the “New” stage of the defect life cycle?

During the “New” stage, a defect is identified and logged into the defect tracking system. It is assigned a unique identifier and initial details such as description, severity, and priority.

4. What happens during the “Assigned” stage of the defect life cycle?

In the “Assigned” stage, the defect is assigned to a member of the development or testing team who will be responsible for investigating and fixing the issue.

5. What happens during the “Open” stage of the defect life cycle?

The “Open” stage indicates that the defect is under investigation or being worked on. The assigned developer or tester analyzes the defect, tries to reproduce it, and identifies the root cause.

6. What happens during the “Fixed” stage of the defect life cycle?

Once the root cause of the defect is identified, the developer fixes the issue and implements the necessary changes to resolve it. The defect is then marked as “Fixed.”

7. What happens during the “Retest” stage of the defect life cycle?

After the defect is fixed, it is retested by the tester to ensure that the issue has been successfully resolved and that the fix did not introduce any new problems.

8. What happens during the “Verified” stage of the defect life cycle?

In the “Verified” stage, the tester validates that the defect has indeed been fixed and confirms that the software is functioning correctly without any regression issues.

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9. What happens during the “Closed” stage of the defect life cycle?

Once the defect is verified, it is marked as “Closed.” This indicates that the defect has been successfully resolved, and no further action is required.

10. Can a defect move back and forth between different stages of the defect life cycle?

Yes, a defect can move back and forth between stages if further investigation reveals new information or if the fix is not effective. For example, a defect may move from “Fixed” back to “Open” if it reoccurs during retesting.

11. How are severity and priority determined in the defect life cycle?

Severity represents the impact of a defect on the system’s functionality or user experience, while priority indicates the order in which the defect should be addressed. Severity and priority are usually assigned by the tester or project manager based on the defect’s impact and urgency.

12. What is the role of a defect tracking system in the defect life cycle?

A defect tracking system is a software tool used to log, track, and manage defects throughout their life cycle. It helps in documenting, assigning, and monitoring the progress of defect resolution.

13. Who is responsible for managing the defect life cycle?

The defect life cycle is typically managed by the project manager or the testing team lead, who oversees the defect tracking process, assigns tasks, and ensures timely resolution.

14. How can a defect be reopened after it has been closed?

A defect can be reopened if it reoccurs or if the fix was not effective. The tester or team lead can reopen the defect in the defect tracking system, providing updated information and reasons for reopening.

15. What is the importance of properly documenting defects during the defect life cycle?

Proper documentation of defects helps in providing clear and detailed information about the issues, facilitating effective communication among team members, and maintaining a historical record for future reference.

Also See : Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Interview Questions.

16. How can metrics be used to track and analyze the defect life cycle?

Metrics such as defect density, defect aging, and defect closure rate can be used to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of the defect life cycle, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions for process improvement.

17. What are some common challenges in managing the defect life cycle?

Common challenges include ineffective communication, lack of clarity in defect descriptions, delays in defect resolution, inaccurate severity and priority assignments, and inadequate tracking and monitoring of defects.

18. How can automation tools assist in managing the defect life cycle?

Automation tools can help in logging defects, assigning them to appropriate team members, tracking their progress, and generating reports. They can streamline the defect management process and improve overall efficiency.

19. What is the difference between a defect and an enhancement request in the defect life cycle?

A defect refers to a deviation from expected behavior or a failure in the software, while an enhancement request suggests an improvement or additional functionality beyond the existing requirements.

20. How can the defect life cycle be integrated with other software development processes, such as Agile or DevOps?

The defect life cycle can be integrated by incorporating defect management tasks within the Agile or DevOps workflow, ensuring that defects are promptly addressed, and defects identified during testing are prioritized for resolution.

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