Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Interview Questions.

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Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Interview Questions.

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1. What is SDLC?

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle. It is a systematic process used to develop software applications.

2. What are the phases of SDLC?

The common phases of SDLC are Requirements Gathering, Analysis and Design, Coding, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance.

3. What happens during the Requirements Gathering phase?

During this phase, the project team identifies and documents the software requirements by interacting with stakeholders.

4. What is the purpose of the Analysis and Design phase?

The Analysis and Design phase focuses on understanding the system requirements and designing the software architecture.

5. What is coding in the SDLC context?

Coding is the phase where developers write the actual code for the software based on the design specifications.

6. What is the purpose of the Testing phase?

The Testing phase involves verifying that the software meets the specified requirements and is free of defects or errors.

7. What happens during the Deployment phase?

The Deployment phase involves deploying the software to the production environment and making it available to users.

8. What is the purpose of the Maintenance phase?

The Maintenance phase involves maintaining and supporting the software after it has been deployed to address bugs and add new features.

9. Why is SDLC important?

SDLC provides a structured approach to software development, ensuring that the software is built efficiently and meets the user’s needs.

10. What is the waterfall model in SDLC?

The waterfall model is a linear sequential approach to software development, where each phase is completed before moving to the next.

11. What are the advantages of the waterfall model?

Some advantages include simplicity, clear documentation, and well-defined milestones.

12. What are the disadvantages of the waterfall model?

Disadvantages include inflexibility to changes, long development cycles, and a lack of customer involvement until the end.

13. What is the agile model in SDLC?

The agile model is an iterative and incremental approach to software development, focusing on collaboration, flexibility, and customer feedback.

14. What are the advantages of the agile model?

Advantages include adaptability to changing requirements, early and frequent delivery of working software, and increased customer satisfaction.

15. What are the disadvantages of the agile model?

Disadvantages include the need for active customer involvement, potential for scope creep, and reliance on self-organizing teams.

16. What is the spiral model in SDLC?

The spiral model combines elements of both waterfall and iterative development, emphasizing risk analysis and prototyping.

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17. What are the advantages of the spiral model?

Advantages include risk management, early prototyping, and flexibility to incorporate changes during the development process.

18. What are the disadvantages of the spiral model?

Disadvantages include complexity, increased cost, and potential for project scope expansion.

19. What is the V-model in SDLC?

The V-model is an extension of the waterfall model, where each phase in the development life cycle is associated with a corresponding testing phase.

20. What are the advantages of the V-model?

Advantages include early test planning, improved test coverage, and better traceability between requirements and test cases.

21. What are the disadvantages of the V-model?


include a rigid structure that makes it difficult to accommodate changes and the potential for late defect detection.

22. What is the purpose of requirements gathering techniques?

Requirements gathering techniques help elicit, document, and validate user requirements, ensuring that the software meets their needs.

23. What are some common requirements gathering techniques?

Interviews, surveys, workshops, prototyping, and observation are common techniques used for requirements gathering.

24. What is a use case diagram in the context of analysis and design?

A use case diagram depicts the interactions between actors (users) and the system, showcasing the various use cases or scenarios.

25. What is the purpose of a class diagram in analysis and design?

A class diagram represents the static structure of the system, including classes, attributes, relationships, and methods.

26. What is the difference between unit testing and integration testing?

Unit testing focuses on testing individual components or units of code, while integration testing verifies the interaction between different components.

27. What is system testing in the context of SDLC?

System testing is performed to validate the entire software system against the specified requirements and ensure its overall functionality.

28. What is acceptance testing?

Acceptance testing is conducted to determine whether the software meets the customer’s acceptance criteria and is ready for deployment.

29. What is regression testing?

Regression testing is performed to ensure that changes or fixes in the software do not introduce new defects or break existing functionality.

30. What is black-box testing?

Black-box testing focuses on testing the software without any knowledge of its internal structure or code, primarily based on the specified requirements.

31. What is white-box testing?

White-box testing, also known as structural or code-based testing, involves testing the internal structure and logic of the software.

32. What is the purpose of a test plan?

A test plan outlines the approach, scope, resources, and schedule for testing the software, ensuring a systematic and organized testing process.

33. What is a test case?

A test case is a set of conditions, inputs, and expected outputs designed to verify a specific aspect or functionality of the software.

34. What is the difference between verification and validation in the context of SDLC?

Verification focuses on checking whether the software is built correctly, while validation ensures that the software meets the user’s needs.

35. What is the role of a project manager in SDLC?

The project manager is responsible for planning, organizing, and controlling the software development project, ensuring its successful completion.

36. What is the role of a business analyst in SDLC?

The business analyst is responsible for gathering, analyzing, and documenting the requirements and facilitating communication between stakeholders and the development team.

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37. What is the role of a software architect in SDLC?

The software architect designs the overall structure and architecture of the software, ensuring that it meets the technical and functional requirements.

38. What is the role of a developer in SDLC?

Developers write the code based on the design specifications, implementing the functionality and logic of the software.

39. What is the role of a tester in SDLC?

Testers are responsible for executing test cases, identifying defects or issues, and ensuring that the software meets the specified requirements.

40. What is the role of a deployment engineer in SDLC?

Deployment engineers are responsible for packaging and deploying the software to the production environment, ensuring a smooth and successful deployment.

41. What is the purpose of version control in SDLC?

Version control helps manage and track changes to the source code and documentation, facilitating collaboration and maintaining a history of modifications.

42. What is the difference between a major release and a minor release?

A major release often signifies significant changes or new features, while a minor release typically includes smaller enhancements, bug fixes, or patches.

43. What is the difference between a hotfix and a patch?

A hotfix is a software update specifically addressing a critical issue, while a patch is a more general update that can include bug fixes or feature enhancements.

44. What is continuous integration (CI) in SDLC?

Continuous integration is a development practice where developers frequently merge their code changes into a central repository, triggering automated builds and tests.

45. What is continuous deployment (CD) in SDLC?

Continuous deployment is the process of automatically deploying tested and validated code changes to production, ensuring a streamlined and efficient release cycle.

46. What is the purpose of code reviews in SDLC?

Code reviews help ensure code quality, identify potential issues or bugs, and promote knowledge sharing among developers.

47. What is the role of user feedback in SDLC?

User feedback provides valuable insights for improving the software, identifying usability issues, and addressing user needs and preferences.

48. What is the purpose of documenting the SDLC process?

Documentation helps ensure clarity, traceability, and knowledge transfer throughout the SDLC, aiding in maintenance, troubleshooting, and future development.

49. What is the role of risk management in SDLC?

Risk management involves identifying potential risks and implementing strategies to mitigate them, reducing the likelihood of project failures or delays.

50. What is the purpose of a post-implementation review?

A post-implementation review evaluates the success of the project after deployment, identifying lessons learned, areas for improvement, and overall project performance.

51. What is prototyping in the context of SDLC?

Prototyping involves creating a working model of the software with limited functionality to gather user feedback and validate design decisions.

52. What is the difference between a functional requirement and a non-functional requirement?

Functional requirements describe what the software should do, while non-functional requirements define how the software should perform, such as performance, security, or usability criteria.

53. What is the purpose of a feasibility study in SDLC?

A feasibility study assesses the viability of a software project, considering factors like technical feasibility, financial viability, and organizational readiness.

54. What is the role of a change control board in SDLC?

A change control board evaluates and approves or rejects proposed changes to the software project, ensuring that changes align with project objectives and constraints.

55. What is the purpose of a project charter in SDLC?

A project charter establishes the project’s objectives, scope, stakeholders, and overall direction, providing a foundation for project planning and execution.

56. What is the role of user acceptance testing (UAT) in SDLC?

User acceptance testing involves end-users testing the software in a simulated or real environment to ensure it meets their expectations and requirements.

57. What is the role of a quality assurance (QA) team in SDLC?

The QA team is responsible for ensuring that quality standards and processes are followed throughout the SDLC, conducting testing and identifying defects or areas for improvement.

58. What is the purpose of a requirements traceability matrix (RTM)?

A requirements traceability matrix links user requirements to design, development, testing, and deployment, ensuring that all requirements are accounted for throughout the SDLC.

59. What is the role of a configuration management team in SDLC?

The configuration management team manages and tracks changes to the software’s configuration items, ensuring proper version control and configuration integrity.

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60. What is the purpose of a software development plan (SDP)?

A software development plan outlines the activities, resources, timelines, and deliverables for the entire software development project, providing a roadmap for successful execution.

61. What is the role of a technical writer in SDLC?

A technical writer creates documentation such as user manuals, system manuals, and release notes, providing users with necessary information for understanding and using the software.

62. What is the purpose of a peer review in SDLC?

A peer review involves colleagues reviewing each other’s work, such as code or documentation, to identify issues, ensure quality, and promote knowledge sharing.

63. What is the role of a stakeholder in SDLC?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups with an interest or involvement in the software development project, such as end-users, management, customers, or developers.

64. What is the purpose of a software requirements specification (SRS)?

An SRS documents the functional and non-functional requirements of the software, serving as a reference for the development team and a contractual agreement with stakeholders.

65. What is the role of a release manager in SDLC?

A release manager oversees the planning, coordination, and execution of software releases, ensuring successful deployment and minimizing disruption to users.

66. What is the purpose of a software development kit (SDK)?

An SDK provides tools, libraries, documentation, and resources to developers to facilitate the creation of software applications for a specific platform or framework.

67. What is the role of a scrum master in agile SDLC?

A scrum master facilitates the agile development process, removes obstacles, and ensures that the scrum team follows the principles and practices of scrum.

68. What is the purpose of a burn-down chart in agile SDLC?

A burn-down chart visualizes the remaining work (backlog) over time, helping the team track progress, identify bottlenecks, and forecast project completion.

69. What is the role of a product owner in agile SDLC?

The product owner represents the stakeholders and customers, prioritizes features, defines user stories, and ensures that the product aligns with the customer’s needs and vision.

70. What is the purpose of retrospectives in agile SDLC?

Retrospectives are regular meetings where the team reflects on the previous iteration or project, discusses successes and challenges, and identifies areas for improvement.

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