Testing the Security of Banking Domain Applications

What is domain in testing?

Domain Testing is software testing rocess in which the application is tested by giving a minimum number of inputs and evaluating its appropriate outputs. The primary goal of Domain testing is to check whether the software application accepts inputs within the acceptable range and delivers required output.

It is a functional testing technique in which the output of a system is tested with a minimal number of inputs to ensure that the system does not accept invalid and out of range input values. It is one of the most important Box Testing methods. It also verifies that the system should not accept inputs, conditions and indices outside the specified or valid range.

Why domain knowledge Matter?

Domain knowledge is important because it helps to provide context and understanding of the problem that needs to be solved. It also helps to identify potential solutions and strategies that can be used to address the problem. Domain knowledge can help to identify potential risks and opportunities, as well as provide insights into how the problem can be best addressed. Additionally, domain knowledge can help to inform decisions about which technologies and tools should be used in order to solve the problem.

Introduction to Banking Domain

Banking domain is the area of finance that deals with the management of money, credit, investments, and other financial instruments. It includes activities such as lending, borrowing, investing, and managing risk. Banks are the primary institutions that provide these services to individuals and businesses. Banking domain also includes topics such as financial regulation, banking technology, and consumer protection.

Characteristics of banking domain software testing application

1.Usability Testing: Testing the user interface of the banking application to ensure it is easy to use and understand.

2.Security Testing: Ensuring the banking application is secure from malicious attacks and data breaches.

3.Performance Testing: Evaluating the performance of the banking application under different conditions and workloads.

4.Compatibility Testing: Verifying that the banking application works on different platforms, browsers, and devices.

5.Regression Testing: Running tests to ensure that changes made to the banking application do not introduce new bugs or errors.

Stages of testing banking application

1.Requirements Analysis: Analyze the requirements of the banking application to determine what needs to be tested.

2. Test Planning: Develop a plan for testing the banking application, including test cases, test data, and expected results.

3. Test Execution: Execute the tests according to the plan and document any issues found.

4. Test Reporting: Generate reports on the results of the tests and provide feedback to stakeholders.

5. Test Closure: Close out any remaining tasks related to testing and document any lessons learned for future reference.

Sample test case for Net banking login application

Test Case:

Test Case ID: TC_NB_01 Test Case Description: Verify successful login to Net Banking application

Preconditions: User must have valid credentials and access to the internet

Test Step:

1. Launch the Net Banking application 2. Enter valid username and password 3. Click on the ‘Login’ button Result: User should be successfully logged in to the Net Banking application

Challenge in testing banking domain and their mitigation

Challenge: This tweet is not related to the banking domain and therefore does not provide any useful information for testing.

Mitigation: The tester should focus on tweets that are related to the banking domain, such as customer feedback, news about new products or services, or industry trends. This will help ensure that the testing process is more focused and efficient.

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