What is Scaled Agile Framework (SAFE)

Whai is SAFe(scaled agile framework)

SAfe (Scaled Agile Framework) is an agile framework for scaling lean and agile practices across multiple teams. It provides guidance on how to structure and manage work, enabling organizations to deliver value faster and with fewer risks.

Why use SAfe agile framework

SAFe Agile is a framework for scaling agile development to the enterprise level. It provides guidance on how to structure and manage teams, roles, and processes in order to deliver value faster and more efficiently. SAFe Agile is based on Lean-Agile principles and values, such as collaboration, customer focus, continuous improvement, and empowerment. It also provides guidance on how to integrate agile practices into existing enterprise systems. SAFe Agile is used by organizations of all sizes to help them become more agile and responsive to customer needs.

When to use Scaled Agile Framework

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a popular framework for scaling agile development and delivery across large organizations. It is best used when an organization needs to scale agile practices across multiple teams, departments, or even multiple locations. SAFe can help organizations manage complexity and ensure that all teams are working together in a coordinated way. It can also help organizations ensure that their agile practices are consistent and effective across the entire organization.

How different than other agile practices

Agile practices are a set of principles and processes that help teams work together to deliver projects quickly and efficiently. They focus on collaboration, communication, and continuous improvement. Unlike other agile practices, the Batman movie focuses on entertainment and storytelling rather than efficiency and productivity.

Foundation of scaled Agile framework

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is an agile framework for enterprise-level software development. It provides guidance on how to scale agile practices across multiple teams, enabling organizations to deliver value faster and more efficiently. SAFe helps organizations align their teams, processes, and tools to create a unified system of delivery that supports the entire organization. SAFe provides guidance on how to structure teams, plan releases, and manage dependencies across multiple teams. It also provides guidance on how to measure progress and ensure quality throughout the development process.

Agile Manifesto

Agile Manifest: We believe in creating a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. We strive to create products that are of the highest quality and meet the needs of our customers. We value feedback from our customers and use it to inform our decisions. We embrace change and are open to new ideas. We believe in working together as a team to create innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

Different levels in SAFE

1.Program Increment (PI) Planning: Establish the vision and roadmap for the program.

2. Team Level: Break down the PI objectives into smaller, more manageable pieces of work.

3. Iteration/Sprint Planning: Plan and prioritize the work for each iteration/sprint.

4. Daily Stand-up: Discuss progress and any impediments to completing tasks.

5. Demo/Review: Showcase completed work and get feedback from stakeholders.

6. Retrospective: Reflect on what went well and what could be improved in future iterations/sprints.

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